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Data Theft- A New Generation leech

This blog is written by our general secretery Sharvin Pharande

What does “Data Theft” mean?

Data Theft is the act of selling computer-based information from an unknowing victim with the intent of compromising privacy or obtaining confidential information. Data theft is increasing day by day and causing a problem for an individual as well as big corporate firms.
There are many ways to steal data from an individual or a corporate firm. Data Theft very often occurs through a variety of means. It happens because some hacker has hacked into your computer system to steal sensitive information like credit card or personal information, or an employee at a company mishandled the information

Malicious Insiders:

This scenario can contain the employees, former employees, contractors, or business associates who have access to your internal computer systems and data, but use that access to destroy data, steal data or sabotage your systems. This does not include well-meaning staff who accidentally put your cybersecurity at risk or leak the data.

Compromised Accounts:

So the best example to explain this is, you imagine that you have a social media account, and the password will be ‘abc@123’ so this password can be guessed very easily. If a hacker finds this password and you are using this password for your email, other social media accounts, and many more. So a hacker can get access to all your online accounts. So trying to keep your password complex and should be frequently changed.

Third Parties:

In this scenario, when a third party application/website security gets compromised by an attacker, he/she gets legitimate access to the system and all the personal data, login credentials, payment details, of a corporate firm get exposed to the attacker. And this type of attack is became trending in the world of hackers in 2018. This topic is very fresh we all know the worldwide famous video-conferencing application whose security was compromised and the login credentials of almost half a million people were on sale on the ‘Dark Web’ (Dark Web is where all the illegal cybercrimes happen.)

  1. Although the need for cybersecurity workers is likely to continue to be high, it is difficult to forecast with certainty the number of workers required or the need for cybersecurity knowledge and skills.
  2. There are many indications today that demand for cybersecurity workers will continue to be high, but it is notoriously difficult to measure or forecast labor supply and demand for any field, especially one that is as dynamic and fast-moving as cybersecurity.
  3. Even large organizations with top talent experts and significant resources devoted to cybersecurity have suffered major cybersecurity compromises, and organizations that do not have such levels of talent or resources face even greater challenges. More highly skilled workers in cybersecurity roles would help the world respond more robustly to the cybersecurity problems it faces. All organizations need to understand their threat environment and the risks they face, address their cybersecurity problems, and hire the most appropriate people to do that work.
“We’re training and conditioning a whole new generation of people that when we are uncomfortable or lonely or uncertain or afraid we have a digital pacifier for ourselves that is kind of atrophying our own ability to deal with that.” — Tristan Harris, former design ethicist at Google and co-founder of Centre for Humane Technologies

Sharvin Pharande

Hi There , I am sharvin Pharande genereal secretery of E-Cell PVG's COET