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The Complete Guide To Your Online Safety!

This blog is written by our senior member Akshat Jain

We all like to roam around on the internet make new accounts, discover new platforms, download new and exciting data/files, etc. but wait! Have we ever wondered what happens to this data?? Are we going too far in sharing our personal data with these platforms? Do we really put so much trust in so many platforms with varied levels of business models, that they won't sell our data to any third parties?

Let's try to deface one important myth, having "HTTPS" on our browser screen doesn't mean we are secure on the internet, YES, it does mean that our connection is encrypted with the specific web server and nobody can eves drop on that, but what after that?
Let's re-question ourselves, does the platform we are using, really secured, or is it into selling our info to third parties? The answer is not that simple to start with. Yes, the internet has become a very secure place over the years, but the services running on it are not always secure. It can be hosted in a data server far far away in some other country or just in your own basement, collecting data maliciously.
So how to secure yourself from these online threats?

  1. 1. Keep yourself ready with at least two emails at all times, one as your own professional work email and the other as for dummy usage on untrusted platforms. This is because even if tomorrow your email is found in some data breach online and used for sending spam, forgery requests, etc. this doesn't affect you at all as your data is well secured behind a safe account.
  2. 2. Try to visit only websites that appear on the top of a search engine result, this is because the websites ranked on the top of these engines get that place after going through, a thorough scrutinization of security checks, web of trust, and originality of content.
  3. 3. Try not to visit 'HTTP' only websites, instead visit 'HTTPS' websites only, as they will encrypt all your communications securely while traversing it on the internet.
"Cyber Bullying is the use of the Internet and related technologies to harm other people in a deliberate, repeated, and hostile manner." - Wikipedia

Akshat Jain

hey everyone , I am akshat jain senior member of the E-Cell